by René Mutt
Copyright © 2023
All rights reserved

String Theory

At first glance she looked still and dead.
I’m always unsettled
by the thought of her dying.
A closer look:
her tiny body,

The ice was snoring.
Or better yet,
groaning in rhythm.
If it was sleep
it seemed uncomfortable.
The lake’s water restlessly
nudging it with a persistent question:
Can you feel?
Can you feel anything at all?

[I thought about jumping into the lake. It kind of looked like a dessert. My body a dumb spoon cracking creme brulee, or that chocolate syrup that hardens when you squeeze it. Just like me. I imagine freezing up, becoming stiff, regretting it. I get anxious by ledges, anyhow. I don’t fear myself pushing me over; I worry about that person who I’m bound to. That she’ll pull me in against my will in such a way where it becomes more of a push, because she’s trying to disconnect before my weight pulls her down as well.]

This string is a fetter.
Born out of intimacy.
Sex, arguments,
bumping noses.
I don’t want to feel anymore.
I gnaw at my string
while I’m nudged with the question:
Can you feel anything at all?
Yes, damn it.

Her actions confirm my suspicions
I get one last glance at her,
as I feel her
pull/push me in.
She labors
to separate our fetter.
She knows she can’t,
and with full resignation,
averts eye contact.

I pull her in after me.
