by René Mutt
Copyright © 2023
All rights reserved

The Misogynist Has Feelings

The Misogynist though, has feelings.
Standing naked in front of a mirror
uncomfortable with all the vegetation
that needs to be pruned.
He cups his breast,
turns to the side,
pokes out his fuzzy belly,
and caresses it as if he
were pregnant:
moisturizing and preserving
his stretching skin
with cocoa butter.

He actually has some stretch marks.
And his love-handles are propped up
by the worn out elastic on
his boxer briefs
like little busts found in
English period films where
cleavage threatens suffocation.

Near this mirror
the misogynist takes the knife to himself.
Chops parts.
Articulates attentions
and focuses his intentions.
On thighs, cheeks, lips;
on dismembering breasts.

Breaking his own bread,
he understands himself
as a bunch of inadequate gifts
that he longs to one day
put inside or at least
very very very close
to something.

Or better yet
